- Loads the newer of this two files: =myconfig.org= and =myconfig.el=. In other words, if there are no new changes in =myconfig.org= it loads =myconfig.el= (it's faster)
* use-package tips
Some notes about [[https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package][use-package]]
- *:ensure* if true will install the package if not installed
It won't update packages. See auto-package-update for keeping all
packages up to date
- *:init* keyword to execute code *before* a package is loaded. It
accepts one or more forms, up to the next keyword
- *:config* can be used to execute code *after* a package is loaded.
In cases where loading is done lazily (see more about autoloading
below), this execution is deferred until after the autoload
- *:custom* permite configurar variables con syntaxis simplificada
- *:bind*
- *:bind-keymap*
- *:commands*
- *:mode* and *:interpreter*
- *:magic*
- *:hook* You can define hooks
- *:if*
- *:defer* En general use-package intenta aplicar lazy loading, pero
en algún paquete es necesario especificarlo explicitamente
- *:demand* Este es el contrario del anterior, para paquetes
que queremos cargar de inmediato
- *:diminish* and *:delight* changes minormode display in status line
Some notes about [[https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package][use-package]]
- *:ensure* if true will install the package if not installed
It won't update packages. See auto-package-update for keeping all
packages up to date
- *:init* keyword to execute code *before* a package is loaded. It
accepts one or more forms, up to the next keyword
- *:config* can be used to execute code *after* a package is loaded.
In cases where loading is done lazily (see more about autoloading
below), this execution is deferred until after the autoload
- *:custom* permite configurar variables con syntaxis simplificada
- *:bind*
- *:bind-keymap*
- *:commands*
- *:mode* and *:interpreter*
- *:magic*
- *:hook* You can define hooks
- *:if*
- *:defer* En general use-package intenta aplicar lazy loading, pero
en algún paquete es necesario especificarlo explicitamente
- *:demand* Este es el contrario del anterior, para paquetes
que queremos cargar de inmediato
- *:diminish* and *:delight* changes minormode display in status line
* Personal info
#+begin_src elisp
(setq user-full-name "Sergio Alvariño"
user-mail-address "salvari@protonmail.com")
* Interface tweaks
** Some GUI optimizations
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
@ -609,6 +616,53 @@ Nice bullets for org-mode
** Fonts for org-mode
Definimos una función que se encargará de:
- Establecer la fuente para org-mode (Cantarell)
- Establecer tamaños escalados para las cabeceras
- Establecer fuentes de ancho fijo para secciones de código en los ficheros =.org=