# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Output Format Definitions # See: https://gohugo.io/templates/output-formats/#output-format-definitions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Options to make output .md files [MarkDown] mediaType = "text/markdown" isPlainText = true isHTML = false # FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW Options to make output /archives/index.html file [archives] path = "archives" baseName = "index" mediaType = "text/html" isPlainText = false isHTML = true permalinkable = true # FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW Options to make output /offline/index.html file [offline] path = "offline" baseName = "index" mediaType = "text/html" isPlainText = false isHTML = true permalinkable = true # FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW Options to make output readme.md file [README] baseName = "readme" mediaType = "text/markdown" isPlainText = true isHTML = false # FixIt 0.3.0 | CHANGED Options to make output baidu_urls.txt file [baidu_urls] baseName = "baidu_urls" mediaType = "text/plain" isPlainText = true isHTML = false