You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

867 lines
26 KiB

9 months ago
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Theme Core Configuration
# See:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FixIt 0.2.15 | CHANGED FixIt theme version
version = "0.3.8" # e.g. "0.2.X", "0.2.15", "v0.2.15" etc.
9 months ago
# site description
description = "Notas personales sobre hardware y software libres"
9 months ago
# site keywords
keywords = ["Hugo", "FixIt"]
# site default theme ["light", "dark", "auto"]
defaultTheme = "dark"
9 months ago
# public git repo url only then enableGitInfo is true
# gitRepo = ""
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.1.1 | NEW which hash function used for SRI, when empty, no SRI is used
# ["sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5"]
fingerprint = ""
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW date format
dateFormat = "2006-01-02"
# website images for Open Graph and Twitter Cards
images = []
# FixIt 0.2.12 | NEW enable PWA
enablePWA = false
# FixIt 0.2.14 | NEW whether to add external Icon for external links automatically
externalIcon = false
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to reverse the order of the navigation menu
navigationReverse = false
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to add site title to the title of every page
# remember to set up your site title in `hugo.toml` (e.g. title = "title")
withSiteTitle = true
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW title delimiter when the site title is be added to the title of every page
titleDelimiter = "-"
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to add site subtitle to the title of index page
# remember to set up your site subtitle by ``
indexWithSubtitle = false
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.2.14 | NEW FixIt will, by default, inject a theme meta tag in the HTML head on the home page only.
# You can turn it off, but we would really appreciate if you dont, as this is a good way to watch FixIt's popularity on the rise.
disableThemeInject = false
# Author Configuration
name = "salvari"
email = ""
link = ""
avatar = ""
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW public Git repository information only then enableGitInfo is true
# e.g. ""
repo = ""
branch = "main"
# the content directory path relative to the root of the repository
dir = "content"
# the issue template for reporting issue of the posts
# available template params: {title} {URL} {sourceURL}
issueTpl = "title=[BUG]%20{title}&body=|Field|Value|%0A|-|-|%0A|Title|{title}|%0A|URL|{URL}|%0A|Filename|{sourceURL}|"
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW App icon config
# optional site title override for the app when added to an iOS home screen or Android launcher
title = "comacero"
9 months ago
# whether to omit favicon resource links
noFavicon = false
# modern SVG favicon to use in place of older style .png and .ico files
svgFavicon = ""
# Safari mask icon color
iconColor = "#5bbad5"
# Windows v8-10 tile color
tileColor = "#da532c"
# FixIt 0.2.12 | CHANGED Android browser theme color
light = "#f8f8f8"
dark = "#252627"
# Search config
9 months ago
enable = true
# type of search engine ["algolia", "fuse"]
type = "fuse"
9 months ago
# max index length of the chunked content
contentLength = 4000
# placeholder of the search bar
placeholder = ""
# max number of results length
9 months ago
maxResultLength = 10
# snippet length of the result
9 months ago
snippetLength = 30
# HTML tag name of the highlight part in results
9 months ago
highlightTag = "em"
# whether to use the absolute URL based on the baseURL in search index
9 months ago
absoluteURL = false
index = ""
appID = ""
searchKey = ""
# FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW
isCaseSensitive = false
minMatchCharLength = 2
findAllMatches = false
location = 0
threshold = 0.3
distance = 100
ignoreLocation = false
useExtendedSearch = false
ignoreFieldNorm = false
# Header config
# FixIt 0.2.13 | CHANGED desktop header mode ["sticky", "normal", "auto"]
desktopMode = "sticky"
# FixIt 0.2.13 | CHANGED mobile header mode ["sticky", "normal", "auto"]
mobileMode = "auto"
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW Header title config
# URL of the LOGO
logo = "/images/cerito.svg"
9 months ago
# title name
name = "comacero"
9 months ago
# you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
pre = ""
# you can add extra information after the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
post = ""
# FixIt 0.2.5 | NEW whether to use typeit animation for title name
typeit = false
# FixIt 0.2.12 | NEW Header subtitle config
# subtitle name
name = "notas sobre hardware y software libres"
9 months ago
# whether to use typeit animation for subtitle name
typeit = false
# FixIt 0.2.18 | NEW Breadcrumb config
enable = false
sticky = false
showHome = false
# Footer config
enable = true
# FixIt 0.2.17 | CHANGED Custom content (HTML format is supported)
# For advanced use, see parameter `params.customFilePath.footer`
custom = ""
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW whether to show Hugo and theme info
hugo = true
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW whether to show copyright info
copyright = true
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW whether to show the author
author = true
# Site creation year
since = 2021
# FixIt 0.2.14 | NEW whether to show total word count of site content
wordCount = true
# FixIt 0.2.12 | NEW Public network security only in China (HTML format is supported)
gov = ""
# ICP info only in China (HTML format is supported)
icp = ""
# license info (HTML format is supported)
license = '<a rel="license external nofollow noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a>'
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to show Hugo and theme info
enable = true
hugoLogo = true
themeLogo = true
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.2.17 | CHANGED Site creation time
enable = false
animate = true
icon = "fa-solid fa-heartbeat"
pre = ""
value = "" # e.g. "2021-12-18T16:15:22+08:00"
# FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW footer lines order, optional values: ["first", 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "last"]
powered = 0
copyright = 0
statistics = 0
visitor = 0
beian = 0
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW Archives page config (all pages of posts type)
# special amount of posts in archives page
paginate = 20
# date format (month and day)
dateFormat = "01-02"
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW Section (all posts) page config
# special amount of posts in each section page
paginate = 20
# date format (month and day)
dateFormat = "01-02"
# amount of RSS pages
rss = 10
# FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW recently updated posts settings
enable = true
9 months ago
rss = false
days = 30
maxCount = 10
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW List (category or tag) page config
# special amount of posts in each list page
paginate = 20
# date format (month and day)
dateFormat = "01-02"
# amount of RSS pages
rss = 10
# FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW TagCloud config for tags page
enable = false
min = 14 # Minimum font size in px
max = 32 # Maximum font size in px
peakCount = 10 # Maximum count of posts per tag
orderby = "name" # Order of tags, optional values: ["name", "count"]
# Home page config
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW amount of RSS pages
rss = 10
# Home page profile
enable = true
# Gravatar Email for preferred avatar in home page
gravatarEmail = ""
9 months ago
# URL of avatar shown in home page
avatarURL = "/images/cerito.svg"
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW identifier of avatar menu link
avatarMenu = ""
# FixIt 0.2.7 | CHANGED title shown in home page (HTML format is supported)
title = ""
# subtitle shown in home page
subtitle = "Apuntes personales de hardware y software libres"
9 months ago
# whether to use typeit animation for subtitle
typeit = true
# whether to show social links
social = true
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW disclaimer (HTML format is supported)
disclaimer = "Sólo para autoconsumo (^_^)"
9 months ago
# Home page posts
enable = true
# special amount of posts in each home posts page
paginate = 6
# FixIt 0.2.16 | CHANGED Social config about the author
GitHub = "salvari"
Telegram = "salvari"
Gitlab = "salvari"
Bitbucket = "salvari"
Flickr = "salvari"
# Spotify = "salvari"
Email = ""
9 months ago
RSS = true
id = "@salvari"
prefix = ""
title = "Mastodon"
id = "salvari"
prefix = ""
title = "Gitea"
# Mastodon = ""
# Gitea = ""
# Linkedin = ""
# Twitter = ""
# Instagram = ""
# Facebook = ""
# Medium = ""
# Youtubelegacy = ""
# Youtubecustom = ""
# Youtubechannel = ""
# Tumblr = ""
# Quora = ""
# Keybase = ""
# Pinterest = ""
# Reddit = ""
# Codepen = ""
# FreeCodeCamp = ""
# Stackoverflow = ""
# Weibo = ""
# Odnoklassniki = ""
# VK = ""
# Xing = ""
# Snapchat = ""
# Soundcloud = ""
# Bandcamp = ""
# Paypal = ""
# Fivehundredpx = ""
# Mix = ""
# Goodreads = ""
# Lastfm = ""
# Foursquare = ""
# Hackernews = ""
# Kickstarter = ""
# Patreon = ""
# Steam = ""
# Twitch = ""
# Strava = ""
# Skype = ""
# Whatsapp = ""
# Zhihu = ""
# Douban = ""
# Angellist = ""
# Slidershare = ""
# Jsfiddle = ""
# Deviantart = ""
# Behance = ""
# Dribbble = ""
# Wordpress = ""
# Vine = ""
# Googlescholar = ""
# Researchgate = ""
# Thingiverse = ""
# Devto = ""
# XMPP = ""
# Matrix = ""
# Bilibili = ""
# ORCID = ""
# Liberapay = ""
# Ko-Fi = ""
# BuyMeaCoffee = ""
# Linktree = ""
# QQ = ""
# QQGroup = "" #
# Diaspora = ""
# CSDN = ""
# Discord = ""
# DiscordInvite = ""
# Lichess = ""
# Pleroma = ""
# Kaggle = ""
# MediaWiki= ""
# Plume = ""
# HackTheBox = ""
# RootMe = ""
# Feishu = ""
# TryHackMe = ""
# Douyin = ""
# TikTok = ""
# Phone = ""
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.2.0 | CHANGED Page config
# FixIt 0.2.18 | NEW whether to enable the author's avatar of the post
authorAvatar = true
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW whether to hide a page from home page
hiddenFromHomePage = false
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW whether to hide a page from search results
hiddenFromSearch = false
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to hide a page from RSS feed
hiddenFromRss = false
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to hide a page from related posts
hiddenFromRelated = false
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW whether to enable twemoji
twemoji = false
# whether to enable lightgallery
# FixIt 0.2.18 | CHANGED if set to "force", images in the content will be forced to shown as the gallery.
lightgallery = false
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW whether to enable the ruby extended syntax
ruby = true
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW whether to enable the fraction extended syntax
fraction = true
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW whether to enable the fontawesome extended syntax
fontawesome = true
# license info (HTML format is supported)
license = '<a rel="license external nofollow noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank">CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a>'
# whether to show link to Raw Markdown content of the content
linkToMarkdown = true
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to show link to view source code of the post
linkToSource = true
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to show link to edit the post
linkToEdit = true
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to show link to report issue for the post
linkToReport = true
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.2.4 | NEW whether to show the full text content in RSS
rssFullText = false
# FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW Page style ["narrow", "normal", "wide", ...]
pageStyle = "normal"
# FixIt 0.2.17 | CHANGED Auto Bookmark Support
# If true, save the reading progress when closing the page.
autoBookmark = false
# FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW whether to enable wordCount
wordCount = true
# FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW whether to enable readingTime
readingTime = true
# FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW end of post flag
endFlag = ""
# FixIt 0.2.18 | NEW whether to enable
instantPage = false
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to enable collection list at the sidebar
collectionList = false
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW whether to enable collection navigation at the end of the post
collectionNavigation = false
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW Repost config
enable = false
url = ""
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW Table of the contents config
# whether to enable the table of the contents
enable = true
# FixIt 0.2.9 | NEW whether to keep the static table of the contents in front of the post
keepStatic = false
# whether to make the table of the contents in the sidebar automatically collapsed
auto = true
# FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW position of TOC ["left", "right"]
position = "right"
# FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW Display a message at the beginning of an article to warn the reader that its content might be expired
enable = false
# Display the reminder if the last modified time is more than 90 days ago
reminder = 90
# Display warning if the last modified time is more than 180 days ago
warning = 180
# If the article expires, close the comment or not
closeComment = false
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW page heading config
# used with `markup.tableOfContents.ordered` parameter
# whether to enable auto heading numbering
enable = false
h1 = "{title}"
h2 = "{h2} {title}"
h3 = "{h2}.{h3} {title}"
h4 = "{h2}.{h3}.{h4} {title}"
h5 = "{h2}.{h3}.{h4}.{h5} {title}"
h6 = "{h2}.{h3}.{h4}.{h5}.{h6} {title}"
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.2.16 | CHANGED KaTeX mathematical formulas (
enable = true
# default inline delimiter is $ ... $ and \( ... \)
inlineLeftDelimiter = ""
inlineRightDelimiter = ""
# default block delimiter is $$ ... $$, \[ ... \], \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} and some other functions
blockLeftDelimiter = ""
blockRightDelimiter = ""
# KaTeX extension copy_tex
copyTex = true
# KaTeX extension mhchem
mhchem = true
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW Code config
# whether to show the copy button of the code block
copy = true
# FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW whether to show the edit button of the code block
edit = true
# the maximum number of lines of displayed code by default
maxShownLines = 10
# FixIt 0.2.14 | NEW Post edit
enable = false
# FixIt 0.2.15 | CHANGED Link for fork & edit
# url = "/edit/branch-name/subdirectory-name" # base on `params.gitRepo`
# url = "" # full url
url = ""
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW Mapbox GL JS config (
# access token of Mapbox GL JS
accessToken = ""
# style for the light theme
lightStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9"
# style for the dark theme
darkStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v9"
# whether to add NavigationControl
navigation = true
# whether to add GeolocateControl
geolocate = true
# whether to add ScaleControl
scale = true
# whether to add FullscreenControl
fullscreen = true
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW [Experimental] cache remote images locally, see:
enable = false
# replace remote image url with local image url (place in public/images/remote/)
replace = false
# FixIt 0.3.0 | NEW Related content config (
enable = false
count = 5
9 months ago
# FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW Donate (Sponsor) settings
enable = false
animation = false
# position relative to post footer, optional values: ["before", "after"]
position = "after"
# comment = "Buy me a coffee"
# FixIt 0.2.18 | NEW display mode of QR code images, optional values: ["static", "fixed"], default: `static`
mode = "static"
# wechatpay = "/images/wechatpay.png"
# alipay = "/images/alipay.png"
# paypal = "/images/paypal.png"
# bitcoin = "/images/bitcoin.png"
# FixIt 0.2.0 | CHANGED social share links in post page
enable = false
9 months ago
Twitter = true
Facebook = true
Linkedin = false
Whatsapp = false
Pinterest = false
Tumblr = false
HackerNews = false
Reddit = false
VK = false
Buffer = false
Xing = false
Line = false
Instapaper = false
Pocket = false
Digg = false
Stumbleupon = false
Flipboard = false
Weibo = true
Renren = false
Myspace = false
Blogger = false
Baidu = false
Odnoklassniki = false
Evernote = false
Skype = false
Trello = false
Mix = false
# FixIt 0.2.15 | CHANGED Comment config
enable = false
# FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW Artalk comment config (
enable = false
server = "https://yourdomain"
9 months ago
site = "默认站点"
placeholder = ""
noComment = ""
sendBtn = ""
editorTravel = true
flatMode = "auto"
# FixIt 0.2.17 | CHANGED enable lightgallery support
lightgallery = false
locale = "" # FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW
# FixIt 0.2.18 | NEW
emoticons = ""
nestMax = 2
vote = true
voteDown = false
uaBadge = true
listSort = true
imgUpload = true
preview = true
versionCheck = true
# Disqus comment config (
9 months ago
enable = false
# Disqus shortname to use Disqus in posts
shortname = ""
# Gitalk comment config (
9 months ago
enable = false
owner = ""
repo = ""
clientId = ""
clientSecret = ""
# Valine comment config (
enable = false
appId = ""
appKey = ""
placeholder = ""
avatar = "mp"
meta = ""
requiredFields = ""
pageSize = 10
lang = ""
visitor = true
recordIP = true
highlight = true
enableQQ = false
serverURLs = ""
# emoji data file name, default is "google.yml"
9 months ago
# ["apple.yml", "google.yml", "facebook.yml", "twitter.yml"]
# located in "themes/FixIt/assets/lib/valine/emoji/" directory
# you can store your own data files in the same path under your project:
# "assets/lib/valine/emoji/"
emoji = ""
commentCount = true # FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW
# FixIt 0.2.16 | CHANGED Waline comment config (
enable = false
serverURL = ""
pageview = false # FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW
emoji = ["//"]
meta = ["nick", "mail", "link"]
requiredMeta = []
login = "enable"
wordLimit = 0
pageSize = 10
imageUploader = false # FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW
highlighter = false # FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW
comment = false # FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW
texRenderer = false # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW
search = false # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW
recaptchaV3Key = "" # FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW
reaction = false # FixIt 0.2.18 | NEW
# Facebook comment config (
enable = false
width = "100%"
numPosts = 10
appId = ""
languageCode = ""
# Telegram comments config (
9 months ago
enable = false
siteID = ""
limit = 5
height = ""
color = ""
colorful = true
dislikes = false
outlined = false
# Commento comment config (
9 months ago
enable = false
# Utterances comment config (
9 months ago
enable = false
# owner/repo
repo = ""
issueTerm = "pathname"
label = ""
lightTheme = "github-light"
darkTheme = "github-dark"
# FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW Twikoo comment config (
enable = false
envId = ""
region = ""
path = ""
visitor = true
commentCount = true
# FixIt 0.2.17 | CHANGED enable lightgallery support
lightgallery = false
# FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW enable Katex support
katex = false
# FixIt 0.2.14 | NEW Giscus comments config
enable = false
repo = ""
repoId = ""
category = ""
categoryId = ""
mapping = ""
strict = "0" # FixIt NEW | 0.2.18
term = ""
reactionsEnabled = "1"
emitMetadata = "0"
inputPosition = "bottom" # ["top", "bottom"]
lightTheme = "light"
darkTheme = "dark"
lazyLoad = true
# Third-party library config
9 months ago
# someCSS = "some.css"
# located in "assets/"
# Or
# someCSS = ""
# someJavascript = "some.js"
# located in "assets/"
# Or
# someJavascript = ""
# Page SEO config
9 months ago
# image URL
images = []
# Publisher info
name = ""
logoUrl = ""
# FixIt 0.2.5 | NEW TypeIt config
# typing speed between each step (measured in milliseconds)
speed = 100
# blinking speed of the cursor (measured in milliseconds)
cursorSpeed = 1000
# character used for the cursor (HTML format is supported)
cursorChar = "|"
# cursor duration after typing finishing (measured in milliseconds, "-1" means unlimited)
duration = -1
# FixIt 0.2.18 | NEW whether your strings will continuously loop after completing
loop = false
# FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW Mermaid config
# For values, see
themes = ["default", "dark"]
# FixIt 0.2.12 | NEW PanguJS config
# For Chinese writing
enable = false
selector = "article" # FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW
# FixIt 0.2.12 | NEW Watermark config
# Detail config see
enable = false
# watermark's text (HTML format is supported)
content = ""
# watermark's transparency
opacity = 0.1
# parent of watermark's container
appendTo = ".wrapper>main"
# watermark's width. unit: px
width = 150
# watermark's height. unit: px
height = 20
# row spacing of watermarks. unit: px
rowSpacing = 60
# col spacing of watermarks. unit: px
colSpacing = 30
# watermark's tangent angle. unit: deg
rotate = 15
# watermark's fontSize. unit: rem
fontSize = 0.85
# FixIt 0.2.13 | NEW watermark's fontFamily
fontFamily = "inherit"
# FixIt 0.2.12 | NEW Busuanzi count
enable = false
# Enable in post meta
enablePost = false
# Site verification code config for Google/Bing/Yandex/Pinterest/Baidu/360/Sogou
google = ""
bing = ""
yandex = ""
pinterest = ""
baidu = ""
so = ""
sogou = ""
# FixIt 0.2.10 | NEW Site SEO config
# image URL
image = ""
# thumbnail URL
thumbnailUrl = ""
# FixIt 0.2.0 | NEW Analytics config
enable = false
# Google Analytics
id = ""
# whether to anonymize IP
anonymizeIP = true
# Fathom Analytics
id = ""
# server url for your tracker if you're self hosting
server = ""
# FixIt 0.2.7 | NEW Cookie consent config
enable = true
# text strings used for Cookie consent banner
message = ""
dismiss = ""
link = ""
# FixIt 0.2.7 | CHANGED CDN config for third-party library files
# CDN data file name, disabled by default ["jsdelivr.yml", "unpkg.yml", ...]
# located in "themes/FixIt/assets/data/cdn/" directory
# you can store your own data files in the same path under your project: "assets/data/cdn/"
data = ""
# FixIt 0.2.8 | NEW Compatibility config
# whether to use to be compatible with older browsers
polyfill = false
# whether to use object-fit-images to be compatible with older browsers
objectFit = false
# FixIt 0.2.14 | NEW GitHub banner in the top-right or top-left corner
enable = false
permalink = ""
title = "View source on GitHub"
position = "right" # ["left", "right"]
# FixIt 0.2.14 | NEW Gravatar config
# FixIt 0.2.18 | NEW Depends on the author's email, if the author's email is not set, the local avatar will be used
enable = true
# Gravatar host, default: ""
host = "" # ["", "", ...]
style = "" # ["", "mp", "identicon", "monsterid", "wavatar", "retro", "blank", "robohash"]
# FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW Back to top
enable = true
# Scroll percent label in b2t button
scrollpercent = false
# FixIt 0.2.16 | NEW Reading progress bar
enable = false
# Available values: ["left", "right"]
start = "left"
# Available values: ["top", "bottom"]
position = "top"
reversed = false
light = ""
dark = ""
height = "2px"
# FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW Progress bar in the top during page loading.
# For more information:
enable = false
# All available colors:
# ["black", "blue", "green", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "silver", "white", "yellow"]
color = "blue"
# All available themes:
# ["barber-shop", "big-counter", "bounce", "center-atom", "center-circle", "center-radar", "center-simple",
# "corner-indicator", "fill-left", "flash", "flat-top", "loading-bar", "mac-osx", "material", "minimal"]
theme = "minimal"
# FixIt 0.2.17 | NEW Define custom file paths
# Create your custom files in site directory `layouts/partials/custom` and uncomment needed files below
# aside = "custom/aside.html"
# profile = "custom/profile.html"
# footer = "custom/footer.html"
# FixIt 0.2.15 | NEW Developer options
enable = false
# Check for updates
c4u = false
# Please do not expose to public!
githubToken = ""
# Mobile Devtools config
enable = false
# "vConsole", "eruda" supported
type = "vConsole"