You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
410 lines
22 KiB
410 lines
22 KiB
1 year ago
title: "Enlaces"
date: 2021-02-12T11:28:51+0100
draft: false
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## Colección de enlaces
### Propios
- La postinstalación de Linux Mint (Linux Mint Uma 20.2 en el momento de escribir esto). Disponible en [gitlab]( y en [mi git privado](
- [Presentaciones](
- [Mis dotfiles](
- Mi [configuración de Emacs](
### TBD
- [Gemini and Gopher](
- [Conociendo el protocolo Gemini (davidochobits)](
- [Intro rápida a Gemini (victorhck)](
- [Recetas variadas](
- [Awesome Humane Tech](
### Blogs
* [Atareao](
* [caligari's blog](
* [Collaboratorio](
* [Elbinario](
* [El blog de Lázaro](
* [El Pingüino Tolkiano](
* [La Mirada del Replicante](
* [ochobitshacenunbyte](
* [Salmorejo Geek](
* [uGeek](
* [Victorhck in the free world](
### Books
* [epublibre](
* [arsenio](
* [Larabeau](
* [Galiciale - Prestamo de libros electrónicos](
* [PDFDrive](
### Docker
* [Containeroo in Medium](
### Blender
- [Tutorial con Blender 2.9. Figura de lego en Blender](
- [Blender 2020 by Yoney Gallardo](
- [Curso de Blender 2.80 by Blendtuts-es](
- [Blender 2.8 by Odin3D](
- [La magia de las tres diosas (tuto Blender 2.9)](
### Electrónica
- [Jupyter Notebooks de electrónica aplicada](
- [Panelizador KiCAD](
- [Electronic Parts for FreeCAD](
- [Socratic Electronics](
- [Electronics Club Info](
- [Electronics Tutorials](
### Emacs
- [Practical Common Lisp]( (el libro)
- [An Introduction to Emacs Lisp](
- [Exec path from shell](
- [Emacs Keyboard Macros](
- [System Crafters Live! - Replacing Ivy and Counsel with Vertico and Consult](
- [Emacs and elisp series by Sacha Hua](
- [Bodacious Blog LSP](
- [What you need to know about variables in Emacs](
- [Emacs for Professionals](
### FreeCAD
- [Appimages oficiales](
- [FreeCAD realthunder appimage](
- [Pagina del grupo telegram en español](
- [FreeCAD y LibreOffice I](
- [FreeCAD y LibreOffice II](
- [FreeCAD y SQLite](
- [Datum Line and Plane](
- [Pie Menu](
- [Diseño de muebles (inglés)](
- [Biblioteca de partes](
- [Making Models that don't brake in FreeCAD](
#### FreeCAD en youtube
Lista de canales de youtube con tutoriales de FreeCAD v0.17 o superior.
##### en inglés:
- [BIM](
- [AllVisuals4U](
- [Green House](
- [FreeCAD Fun](
- [Bugman](
- [mathcodeprint](
- [Martham Engineering](
- [Freecadscourse](
- [WayofWood (muebles)](
- [Art etc](
- [OpenFOAM Basic_FreeCAD Tutorial](
- [CMC](
- [hotkeys](
- [offset sketch lines](
- [Customization UI and Pie Menu](
##### en español:
- [Grupo de Telegram](
- [Berserk Design](
- [Rafael García](
- [Bernardo Cruz](
- [Mecatronica LATAM](
- [Learn in Motion](
- [Infoductiva](
- [Tato3D CAD tutoriales](
- [ALSW](
- [Diseño para impresión 3D](
- [Reparación de mallas en FreeCAD](
- [Un galpón con BIM](
- [Herramienta Croquis](
- [Dodo workbench - Tuberias y estructuras](
- [Curved Shapes wb](
- [Taladros RepRap](
- [Rueda dentada](
##### Grupo telegram
- [Texto SVG Inkscape](
- [Texto 3D](
### Gimp
- [Davis Media Design]( Buenos video tutoriales de Gimp e Inkscape
### Foto
- [Beginers Guide to Astrophotography](
### Homeassistant
* [SmartHomeBeginner](
* [Guia del Sonoff Bridge](
* [Zoneminder and HAS](
### KiCAD
-[KiCAD stm32 lib](
### Mapas
- [Instituto Geominero Español](
- [Sistema de Información de Ocupación del Suelo en España](
- [Cartas Naúticas Online](
- [Open Sea Map](
- [Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina](
- [Visualizador de cartas naúticas del IHM](
- [Apuntes de Cartografía Naútica de la Armada](
### misc
* [SSH Tunels](
* [How to use SSH Tunnels](
* [Empezando con ZFS en Linux](
* [F' el framework del JPL](
* [Git tutorial](
* [Git tuto ]( (casi igual que el anterior)
* [Linux y webcams](
* [Reports de curl con variables](
* [Guía do mastodon (galego)](
### Programming Languages
* [Colección de Libros Abiertos](
#### D programming language
* [Programming in D (Ali Çehreli)](
#### Golang
* [Official Go Doc](
* [A Tour of Go](
* [Learn Go with Tests](
* [Golang Structures]( (en Medium)
* [Go patterns](
* [Recursos para aprender](
* [Go Bootcamp](
* [Golang in 7 hours]( (Video curso para principiantes)
#### Python
* [Python Design Patters (by Brandon Rhodes)](
* [Complete Introduction to the 30 Most Essential Data Structures & Algorithms ](
* [73 Examples to Master F-strings](
* [TDD with Python]( Un video tutorial
* [Maps with](
* [Free-Python-Books (github repo)](
* [Practical Deep Learning for Coders](
* [Huggin Face Course](
* [NLP text preprocessing all in one](
* [Research Software Engineering with Python]( Una página hecha con programadores para ayudar a científicos sin conocimientos profundos de programación.
* [Advanced DSP with Python]( Lista de videos en youtube
* [Advanced DSP with Python]( Lista de videos en Invidious
##### Python Frameworks
- [Learn py4web]( Un curso de Luca de Alfaro
##### Python GUI
- [PySimpleGUI](
- [PySimpleGUI github readme](
- [PySimpleGUI videos](
#### Rust
* [Rust Data Structures and Algorithms](
* Rust Basic Series:
- [1 - Intro](
- [2 - Variables](
- [3 - Data Types](
- [4 - Arrays and Tuples](
- [5 - Functions](
- [6 - Conditionals](
- [7 - Loops](
- [8 - Milestone Program](
#### Raku
- [Raku Guide](
- [Think Raku](
### Podcasts
- [Compilando Podcast](
### Proyectos
- [TinyGroundStation](
- [HomeBuiltRovs](
- [OpenSourceRov](
### Recursos
- [FreeSVG](
- [Kiwix Library](
- [Software Libre]( Definición de Sw Libre
#### Servidores jitsi
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### Utilidades
- [Visualizador de regexp](
- [VeeCAD (solo en windows)](
- [Limpiar URL](
### Virtualizaciones
#### Proxmox
- [Proxmox Begginers Tutorial](
- [A home lab server with Proxmox](
- <>
- [Installing Docker and Portainer on Proxmox](
### Zettlekasten
- [Zettelkasten Method: How to Take Smart Notes for Knowledge Management](
- [How To Take Smart Notes: 10 Principles to Revolutionize Your Note-Taking and Writing](
### Cursos que estoy siguiendo
- [FreeCAD 0.20 for Beginners](
- [Mega curso de Gimp](
- [Gimp (curso básico)](
- [Gimp (curso intermedio)]()
- [Gimp (curso avanzado)](
- [OBS completo](
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[![GitHub release (latest by date)](](
[![GitHub stars](](
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> [:(far fa-kiss-wink-heart fa-fw): LoveIt]( is a **clean**, **elegant** but **advanced** blog theme for [Hugo]( developed by [Dillon](
> It is based on the original [LeaveIt Theme]( and [KeepIt Theme](
![Hugo Theme LoveIt](/images/Apple-Devices-Preview.png "Hugo Theme LoveIt")
### Features
#### Performance and SEO
* :(fas fa-rocket fa-fw): Optimized for **performance**: [99]/[100] on mobile and [100]/[100] on desktop in [Google PageSpeed Insights](
* :(fab fa-searchengin fa-fw): Optimized SEO performance with a correct **SEO SCHEMA** based on JSON-LD
* :(fab fa-google fa-fw): **[Google Analytics](** supported
* :(far fa-chart-bar fa-fw): **[Fathom Analytics](** supported
* :(fas fa-search fa-fw): Search engine **verification** supported (Google, Bind, Yandex and Baidu)
* :(fas fa-tachometer-alt fa-fw): **CDN** for third-party libraries supported
* :(fas fa-cloud-download-alt fa-fw): Automatically converted images with **Lazy Load** by [lazysizes](
#### Appearance and Layout
* [:(fas fa-desktop):]/[:(fas fa-mobile):] **Responsive** layout
* [:(fas fa-sun):]/[:(fas fa-moon):] **[Light]/[Dark]** mode
* :(fas fa-layer-group fa-fw): Globally consistent **design language**
* :(fas fa-ellipsis-h fa-fw): **Pagination** supported
* :(far fa-list-alt fa-fw): Easy-to-use and self-expanding **table of contents**
* :(fas fa-language fa-fw): **Multilanguage** supported and i18n ready
* :(fab fa-css3-alt fa-fw): Beautiful **CSS animation**
#### Social and Comment Systems
* :(far fa-user fa-fw): **Gravatar** supported by [Gravatar](
* :(fas fa-user-circle fa-fw): Local **Avatar** supported
* :(far fa-id-card fa-fw): Up to **64** social links supported
* :(fas fa-share-square fa-fw): Up to **28** share sites supported
* :(far fa-comment fa-fw): **Disqus** comment system supported by [Disqus](
* :(far fa-comment-dots fa-fw): **Gitalk** comment system supported by [Gitalk](
* :(far fa-comment-alt fa-fw): **Valine** comment system supported by [Valine](
* :(far fa-comments fa-fw): **Facebook comments** system supported by [Facebook](
* :(fas fa-comment fa-fw): **Telegram comments** system supported by [Comments](
* :(fas fa-comment-dots fa-fw): **Commento** comment system supported by [Commento](
* :(fas fa-comment-alt fa-fw): **Utterances** comment system supported by [Utterances](
#### Extended Features
* :(fas fa-search fa-fw): **Search** supported by [Lunr.js]( or [algolia](
* :(far fa-grin-tongue-wink fa-fw): **Twemoji** supported
* :(fas fa-code fa-fw): Automatically **highlighting** code
* :(far fa-copy fa-fw): **Copy code** to clipboard with one click
* :(far fa-images fa-fw): **Images gallery** supported by [lightgallery.js](
* :(fab fa-font-awesome fa-fw): Extended Markdown syntax for **[Font Awesome]( icons**
* :(far fa-sticky-note fa-fw): Extended Markdown syntax for **ruby annotation**
* :(fas fa-percentage fa-fw): Extended Markdown syntax for **fraction**
* :(fas fa-square-root-alt fa-fw): **Mathematical formula** supported by [$ \KaTeX $](
* :(fas fa-project-diagram fa-fw): **Diagrams** shortcode supported by [mermaid](
* :(fas fa-chart-pie fa-fw): **Interactive data visualization** shortcode supported by [ECharts](
* :(fas fa-map-marked-alt fa-fw): **Mapbox** shortcode supported by [Mapbox GL JS](
* :(fas fa-music fa-fw): **Music player** shortcode supported by [APlayer]( and [MetingJS](
* :(fas fa-video fa-fw): **Bilibili player** shortcode
* :(far fa-bell fa-fw): Kinds of **admonitions** shortcode
* :(fas fa-align-left fa-fw): **Custom style** shortcode
* :(fab fa-js-square fa-fw): **Custom script** shortcode
* :(fas fa-i-cursor fa-fw): **Animated typing** supported by [TypeIt](
* :(fas fa-arrow-down fa-fw): **Dynamic scroll** supported by [Smooth Scroll](
* :(fas fa-cookie-bite fa-fw): **Cookie consent banner** supported by [cookieconsent](
* ...
### License
LoveIt is licensed under the **MIT** license.
Check the [LICENSE file]( for details.
Thanks to the authors of following resources included in the theme:
* [normalize.css](
* [Font Awesome](
* [Simple Icons](
* [Animate.css](
* [Smooth Scroll](
* [autocomplete.js](
* [Lunr.js](
* [algoliasearch](
* [lazysizes](
* [object-fit-images](
* [Twemoji](
* [lightgallery.js](
* [clipboard.js](
* [Sharer.js](
* [TypeIt](
* [$ \KaTeX $](
* [mermaid](
* [ECharts](
* [Mapbox GL JS](
* [APlayer](
* [MetingJS](
* [Gitalk](
* [Valine](
* [cookieconsent](