Add .gitignore and

* 'eln-cache' directory can't be moved to ~/.cache/emacs till emacs release 29

* is empty, contains some notes but no real configuration

* Added a silly 'Personal Info' section with commented code to avoid
  errors on emacs startup

This is the most simple configuration with straight.el, emacs config
in org-mode format file and no-littering taking care of littering.
main V1.0.0
Sergio Alvariño 2 years ago
parent 5f1f3c1e60
commit f1de89c4d3

.gitignore vendored

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#+startup: overview
* Pending task
- Set hydra for =straight.el= ([[][reference]])
* Famous init files
- [[][The Big Zemansky]]
- [[][Sacha Chua Emac's configuration]]
- [[][Patrick: GOAT init emacs]]
- [[][Manugoyal: Emacs config]]
- [[][System Crafters]]
- [[][System Crafters emacs-from-scratch]]
- [[][System Crafters configs compilation]]
- [[][Omar Antolin]]
- [[][hyunlee1o]]
- [[][Luca Cambiaghi]]
- [[][Minemacs]]
* Before this file loads
** The =early-init.el= file has been loaded.
This file inhibits =package.el= for loading packages
** The =init.el= file has been loaded
This file:
- Sets a new =straight-base-dir=
- Sets all that it's needed for =straight.el= to work as package manager
- Load the =no-littering= package (see [[][doc]]) This package sets out to fix "the littering" by changing the values of path variables to put configuration files in =no-littering-etc-directory= (this will be =~/.cache/emacs/etc/= for this configuration) and persistent data files in =no-littering-var-directory= (for me: =~/.cache/emacs/var/=), and by using descriptive file names and subdirectories when appropriate. This is similar to a color-theme; a "path-theme" if you will.
- Load backup configuration by using the =backup-theme-function= from =no-littering=
- Tries to install =org-mode= just to be sure the newest release is used
- Loads the newer of this two files: or =myconfig.el=. In other words, if there are no new changes in it loads =myconfig.el= (it's faster)
* use-package tips
Some notes about [[][use-package]]
- *:ensure* if true will install the package if not installed
It won't update packages. See auto-package-update for keeping all
packages up to date
- *:init* keyword to execute code *before* a package is loaded. It
accepts one or more forms, up to the next keyword
- *:config* can be used to execute code *after* a package is loaded.
In cases where loading is done lazily (see more about autoloading
below), this execution is deferred until after the autoload
- *:custom* permite configurar variables con syntaxis simplificada
- *:bind*
- *:bind-keymap*
- *:commands*
- *:mode* and *:interpreter*
- *:magic*
- *:hook* You can define hooks
- *:if*
- *:defer* En general use-package intenta aplicar lazy loading, pero
en algún paquete es necesario especificarlo explicitamente
- *:demand* Este es el contrario del anterior, para paquetes
que queremos cargar de inmediato
- *:diminish* and *:delight* changes minormode display in status line
* Personal info
#+begin_src elisp
;; (setq user-full-name "FirstName Surname"
;; user-mail-address "")